Have you ever experienced love from a non-profit? Well I have and it's what inspired the business behind the beauty besties. A non-profit created to encourage, inspire & assist the for profit business grow to higher heights, while persevering through deeper depts.
From an early age I knew that my calling or spiritual gifts were kindness and charity. Recognizing this allowed me to enjoy the building process of life; while understanding my gifts, calling and purpose took me on a journey to apply them . Finding my hands in service to many I quickly begin to realize that old saying " It takes a village to raise a child" was beyond true. That same saying and principles behind it applies to business growth as well.
“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill said it best "success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. If it takes a village to develop one child into successful adult hood. Wouldn't it take that some level of support to nurture, grow and develop one small business into success.
Would it be possible to continue through the journey of building if you had other business owners who have pioneered before you; Helping you to get back up every time you fell down? Well I thought so too, thus The Beauty Besties was born.
The Business behind the besties is to provide personal and business development tools & strategies to the under developed, under funded & under support business of today. We assist start-ups, free thinkers, and seasoned business owners gain their footing with an online presence. As well as connect them with the local consumers. By providing a place to gather for training, support, resources and my favorite aspect shopping.
Now you have some insight into the business behind the Beauty Besties. I pray you will join us as we build businesses one brick at a time by linking claws to pull as many crabs out of the bucket.......
John 15:12-13 kjv
12 This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. 13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.